We recommend the following lowest-level privileges exist in each user’s permissions when implementing and rolling the Integrator out to users on your PRODUCTION instance:
Required Roles
Payables Invoices
Create Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
Place Hold on Payables Invoice (AP_PLACE_HOLD_ON_Payables_INVOICE_PRIV)
View Payables Invoice Holds
Or alternatively; View Supplier
Verify Tax Configuration
View Fixed Asset Books
View Purchasing Document List of Values using REST Service
Manage Application Flexfield Value Set
Access Mobile CRM
Receivables Invoices
Create Receivables Invoice
Verify Tax Configuration
Access Mobile CRM
When implementing Integrators into your Production instance please ensure your user’s roles have the necessary privileges as detailed in the appropriate row in the ‘Required Roles’ table above.
The simplest way to achieve this is to arrange for your System Administrator to add any missing privileges to each user’s non-seeded main functional role via the Oracle ERP Cloud Security Console.
Clicking on the Roles option and entering the following information will display all job and duty roles in your instance that already have the privilege assigned to them.
1) Search: Check the following: Job Roles, Duty Roles, Privileges in the drop-down list:
2) Enter the Privilege Name or Code into the Search Box and initiate the search:
3) Click on the appropriate Privilege:
4) Set the Expand Toward field to ‘Users’ and Show field to ‘Roles’:
5) Use the vertical scroll bar to scroll through the list of available Job and Duty Roles.
6) Assign any missing Integrator roles from the ‘Required Roles’ table above to the user’s non-seeded main functional role.
For information and tips on setting up and assigning roles, please refer to the Role Setup section in the Installation Documentation.
Additional Oracle documentation on Assigning Roles using the Security Console.