ERP Cloud Finance Module User Guide


Supplier Payment Details Integrator Limitations

Change Requests and Approvals
As of release 23C, the Oracle web services do not currently respect the ‘Configure Supplier Registration and Profile Change’ configuration.
This could potentially be an issue in your specific instance. Careful testing, together with a thorough review of any implications relating to this lack of functionality, should be undertaken.
More4apps will monitor and test subsequent Fusion releases to ascertain whether this behavior is changed in the future.
Update Unpaid Invoices Flag cannot be set.
Update Unpaid Invoices flags are not stored values in the DB. These are flags captured only to take users decision (in edit mode) on updating unpaid invoices that have these bank accounts when a bank account is being inactivated.
A parameter is required for this to be passed to the DB from the integrator and this is not stored.  It is unable to be supported via the Supplier Payment Details Integrator at this time.
Please note that an idea has been raised in Oracle Support, should you wish to add your vote so this can potentially be included In the Supplier Payment Details Integrator please see this link.
Factor Bank Accounts will not be available to all Suppliers.
Factor Accounts cannot be displayed in the Bank Accounts List of Values for all Suppliers as per Oracle.  This is due to an architectural constraint.  If this feature is desired, please contact More4apps to request an enhancement for consideration.
Payment Method does not allow past dates.
The REST service that supports Payment Methods does not allow past dates.  Therefore, this is also a limitation in the Supplier Payment Details Integrator. The Oracle UI allows past dates.  A Support Request has been raised with Oracle.
Inactive Payment Methods are returned in the List of Values
The REST service that supports Payment Methods LOV has no provision to exclude inactive Payment Methods.  Therefore, these will be returned to the Supplier Payment Details Integrator.  An error will be returned if upload of inactive Payment Method is attempted. A Support Request has been raised with Oracle.