ERP Cloud Finance Module User Guide


Create Bank Account Owners

You can create the Account Owners in the same upload as the Bank Accounts by entering the necessary information in the data form or on the sheet.
Note that the Bank Account Owner will automatically be populated based on the Supplier Name entered on the sheet.
Assign Account Owners
If a bank account already exists, you can download the bank account number and assign the bank owners. Ensure that the ‘Masked Account Number’ or ‘External Bank Account Id’ is included on the sheet, as this is the parent identifier for the child record, Account Owner.
Add Account Owners
You can add additional suppliers as joint owners to a supplier’s bank account. For multiple bank account ownership, a Primary owner is required.
When selecting an Account Owner from the data form, the list of values will only display active suppliers.
Processing of Child Records
Bank Accounts section is the parent for Account Owners.  Account Owners section does not have any child sections associated with it.  If you are creating multiple account owners, there should be no blank rows between the data to prevent orphaned records during upload.
Bank Account Assignments
Download Bank Accounts