ERP Cloud Finance Module User Guide


Create Supplier Bank Accounts

Before you begin, please review the current Supplier Bank Accounts Integrator Limitations.
We expect that these will be resolved over time as Oracle improves the underlying web services allowing us to add functionality to this product.
To create new bank accounts, ensure the Upload Action is set to Create or Create records
Open the data form and enter the relevant bank details or alternatively enter the bank information directly on to the sheet.
If a Bank Identifier Code (BIC) is associated with the bank branch, you can select the BIC from the provided list of values. The Bank and Branch details will automatically default.  Alternatively, enter the value directly in the BIC field and the Bank and Branch details will be populated upon validation.
Once all the Bank Account information is entered, the upload process can be initiated. For details on uploading refer to the Upload section.
Successful uploads will return ‘Accepted’ statuses and some response information from the web service.
Rejected uploads will return messaging.
More information on how to reprocess these records is here.
Create Bank Account Owners
Bank Account Assignments
Download Bank Accounts