ERP Cloud Finance Module User Guide

  • Supplier Payment Details Integrator

Supplier Payment Details Integrator

The Supplier Payment Details Integrator is a solution for uploading data for Payment Methods, Bank Account Assignments and Payment Attributes, via the supported Oracle ERP Cloud REST web services.
The utilized REST web services that exist today, as at version 24B, are inbound web services that allow both the creation and update of supplier payment detail data in Oracle Fusion Suppliers.
Ensure you are familiar with the More4apps Finance Module prerequisites before attempting to use this Integrator.
Tip:     There are many fields available in each section of this Integrator so, for performance reasons, we highly recommend using tailored worksheet layouts for specific processes.
Important to Note:  As with Oracle’s FBDI products, all approval configuration in Oracle’s ‘Setup and Maintenance’ > ‘Configure Supplier Registration and Profile Change Request’ form will be bypassed by the Supplier Payment Details Integrator.  Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that all data being uploaded via the Integrator has already been approved in line with your company’s policies.
Before you begin, please review the current Supplier Payment Details Integrator Limitations.
We expect that these will be resolved over time as Oracle improves the underlying web services, allowing us to add functionality to this product.
The Oracle REST web services are designed to default certain information during the upload process. To preserve performance, this Integrator has been designed to allow the background REST web service to create such default values rather than leaving this to the Oracle ERP Cloud UI.
Creates and Updates
The following sections and functionality are available in the Supplier Payment Details Integrator:
Create or Update
Read/Reference Only
Section Name
Column Name
Supplier Name
Supplier Number
Address Name
Procurement BU
Supplier Site
External Payee Id
Payment Delivery
Delivery Channel
Delivery Channel Code
Bank Instruction Code 1
Bank Instruction Code 2
Bank Instruction Details
Settlement Priority
Payment Text Message 1
Payment Text Message 2
Payment Text Message 3
Service Level Code
Payment Specifications
Pay Each Invoice Alone
Bank Charge Bearer Code
Payment Reason
Payment Reason Comments
Separate Remittance Advice Delivery
Remittance Advice Delivery Method
Remittance Advice Delivery Email ID
Remittance Advice Delivery Fax
Payment Methods
Payment Method*
From Date
To Date
Bank Account Assignments
Account Number*
External Bank Account Id*
Bank Account Name
Bank Number
Bank Name
Bank Branch Number
Bank Branch Name
Bank Code
Account Type
Primary Bank Account
From Assignment Date
Assignment Inactive On
*Note:  The value itself cannot be changed to another value.
Note: Payment Delivery, Payment Specifications and Separate Remittance Advice Delivery only have an Upload Action of Update.  Any changes to the values are considered an update.
Header Section
The information provided in the header section of the Supplier Payment Details Integrator determines the foundation for assignment of the uploaded data.
The data can be assigned to the Supplier Site Supplier Address, Supplier Profile, or all levels.
The following images illustrate how to layout your data for each of the above scenarios.
1. Supplier Site
To create/update Payment Details for a Supplier Site only.  The Supplier Site Name must be entered for the integrator to determine that the upload is at the Site level and against the correct Supplier & Address.
The Supplier Name or Number and Address Name and Procurement BU and Supplier Site all need to be populated for upload at the Supplier Site level.
In scenarios 1-6 the Site is present as it is required for an upload at Site level.  This is missing in scenarios 7 & 8.  In these cases, the upload will take place against the Address (7) or the Supplier (8).
2. Supplier Address
To create/update Payment Details for a Supplier Address only.  The Supplier Address Name must be entered for the integrator to determine that the upload is at the Address level and against the correct Supplier.
The Supplier Name or Number and Address Name all need to be populated for upload at the Supplier Address level.
In scenarios 1 & 5 the Address is present as it is required for an upload at Address level.  In scenarios 2-4.  the upload will take place against the Supplier as an Address is not present.
3. Supplier Profile
To create or update Payment Details for a Supplier Profile.  Only the Supplier Name and/or Number must be entered.
Note: If the External Payee Id column is populated, any data in that column will be ignored for upload.  This column assists in refining downloaded data only.
4. All Levels
Note: We advise as best practice to use a different sheet for each level for ease of use.  However, in situations where it is necessary to upload payment details for the same Supplier at all levels.  Please see below for the data layout, which is a mixture of the above methods.
Payment Attributes
The Payment Attributes Section covers Payment Delivery, Payment Specifications and Separate Remittance Advice Delivery.  This section only allows a one-to-one relationship per Supplier Profile, Supplier address or Supplier Site.  Only Updates can be undertaken in this section.
Payment Methods
The Payment Methods Section enables Create and Update of existing Payment Methods. This section allows a one-to-many relationship per Supplier Profile, Supplier address or Supplier Site.  A user can update a Payment Method or Create an existing Payment Method assignment in the same upload.  See Update Supplier Payment Detail Records.
Bank Account Assignments
The Bank Account Assignment Section enables Create and Update of existing Bank Account Assignments. This section allows a one-to-many relationship per Supplier Profile, Supplier address or Supplier Site.  A user can update a Bank Account Assignments or Create a Bank Account Assignments assignment in the same upload.  See Update Supplier Payment Detail Records.
Note:  As Bank Accounts are often masked for security purposes it can be difficult to distinguish accounts where the masked data is different, but the other data is the same i.e.
Where the masked data maybe different:
When the LOV in the integrator is opened the account number as above will show once.
Once the value XXXX5678 is selected, the External Bank Id column will show both values with all its attributes so the user can use the information to select the correct value.
One the correct value is selected; the reference data populates to the sheet and the unique Id for the bank account selected is used in the upload.