ERP Cloud Finance Module User Guide

  • Supplier Bank Accounts Integrator

Supplier Bank Accounts Integrator

The Supplier Bank Accounts Integrator is a solution for creating supplier bank accounts, account owners, intermediary bank accounts and assigns them to Supplier, Address, and /or Site levels via the supported Oracle ERP Cloud REST and SOAP Web Services.
The External Bank Accounts REST and SOAP Web Services that exist today, as at version 23C, are inbound web services that allow both the creation and update of supplier bank account data in Oracle Fusion Suppliers.
Ensure you are familiar with the More4apps Finance Module prerequisites before attempting to use this Integrator.
Relevant Notes: 
Create Supplier Bank Accounts
This integrator allows you to create new supplier bank accounts associated with existing Banks and Branches. It does not support creation of new Banks and /or Branches. 
Profile Change Request
As with Oracle’s FBDI products, all approval configuration in Oracle’s ‘Setup and Maintenance’ > ‘Configure Supplier Registration and Profile Change Request’ form will be bypassed by the Supplier Bank Accounts Integrator.  Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that all data being uploaded via the Integrator has already been approved in line with your company’s policies.
Oracle Known Issues
The bank account creation using web services refers to the profile option CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH.  If the profile value is No (default value), the errors below will be displayed:
The value of the attribute Bank Identifier is not valid.
The value of the attribute Branch Identifier is not valid.
This issue is tracked via bug # 29740495. The workaround recommended by Oracle is to use either any existing user or create a new user with all required function and data security privileges and configure above profile at user level with value as Yes.
Country Specific Validations
Bank-related fields (e.g. bank code, branch number, account number, check digit and IBAN must adhere to specific format and content regulations that vary by country. To ensure data integrity, these fields are checked against country-specific validation rules.
However, Oracle has provided the profile option 'Disable Country Specific Bank Validations' for managing the country-specific validations.  When the profile option is set to ‘Yes’, the validation bypasses the country-specific rules on these fields.  This profile option can be set at the site or user level. The default is set to ‘No’ at the Site level.
This profile option affects internal and external bank accounts.  It does not impact checks for unique banks, branches, accounts, and the mandatory requirement of the
bank account number.
Important Note: It is recommended to exercise due care when considering whether disabling country-specific bank validations aligns with your organization's policies and risk management practices.
Bank Account Information in Oracle User Interface
Bank Account details created using the web services will only be visible in Oracle UI when Account Owners and Bank Account Assignments are completed.
Bank Account Masking
If Bank Account masking is configured, the Integrator will download the masked account number in the ‘Masked Account Number’ field. The original, uploaded account number will remain in the ‘Account Number’ field for reference.
Allow International Payments
If the ‘Allow International Payments’ checkbox is selected, bank and branch details must be provided.
Integrator Sections
The following sections and functionality are available in the Supplier Bank Accounts Integrator.
Section Name
Create New Records
Update Existing Records
Bank Accounts
Bank Account Owners
Bank Account Assignments
Intermediary Bank Accounts
 *Except for the ‘Bank Account Owners and Assignments’ End Date which can be updated.
The following diagram shows the relationships between the different sections of the Supplier Bank Accounts Integrator:
Sheet Structure Examples
Like all other More4apps EBS Wizards and Fusion Integrators, the worksheet sections are related to each other in a hierarchical manner. The following table demonstrates the sections’ relationships.
Parent Section
Bank Accounts
Each row in the Bank Accounts section is a separate Account record
Bank Account Owners
Bank Accounts
Many to One
A Bank Account can have multiple joint owners
Bank Account Assignments
Bank Accounts
Many to One
A Bank Account can be assigned to Supplier, Address and/or Site levels
Intermediary Bank Accounts
Bank Accounts
Many to One
A Bank Account can have multiple Intermediary Bank Accounts
Record Batching in the Supplier Bank Accounts Integrator
More4apps takes advantage of REST web service payload batching in order to improve upload performance times. However, as of release 23C, only the following sections can batch records into larger payloads:
          Bank Accounts                                    50 records per batch
          Bank Account Owners                        50 records per batch
          Bank Account Assignments                50 records per batch
Create Bank Account Owners
Bank Account Assignments
Download Bank Accounts