ERP Cloud Finance Module User Guide


Update Supplier Payment Detail Records

All Supplier Payment Details Integrator sections allow records to be updated where the Oracle web services support this action. See this table for information relating to which sections support Update actions.
One way to populate the sheet for update is to first download the current Supplier Payment data into the appropriate sections. Then make your data changes, populate the section’s Upload Action column with ‘Update’/ ‘Update records’ and upload the records.
However, due to Payment Details being added at Supplier Profile, Supplier Address and Supplier Site levels.  The download is constructed differently depending on the level you choose. This is detailed further in Download Sources.  Data extracts can also be used by manipulating the data into the correct format and copying and pasting into the Integrator worksheet.
Supplier Payment Detail information can be updated and created in the same upload. For example, you can update existing Payment Methods on one row of the Integrator, and, on the next row, you can add a new Payment Method to the same Supplier.
In this example, the first row must have an Upload Action of ‘Update’, whereas the second row needs a ‘Create’ Upload Action:
Once all Supplier information is entered, the upload process can be initiated. For details on uploading refer to the Upload section.
Successful uploads will return ‘Accepted’ statuses.
Rejected uploads will return messages.
More information on how to reprocess these records can be found here.