The Customers Integrator is a solution designed to simplify uploading Customer master data into Oracle Fusion Customers Data Management.
It leverages the supported Oracle ERP Cloud REST and SOAP Web Services, available from Oracle version 23C onwards. These web services are inbound web services that allow both the creation and update of customer data in Oracle Fusion Customers Data Management.
Ensure you are familiar with the More4apps Finance Module prerequisites before attempting to use this Integrator.
Tip: While the Integrator offers a wide range of fields in each section, for optimal performance, we recommend creating tailored worksheet layouts for specific processes.
The following sections and functionality are available in the Customers Integrator:
Site Contact Points - Emails, Phones, IMs, Websites
* When adding a new Profile, Oracle automatically deactivates the currently active profile by setting an End Date against it.
The diagram below shows the relationship between the different sections in the Customers Integrator:
Sheet Structure Examples
Like all other More4apps EBS Wizards and Fusion Integrators, the worksheet sections are related to each other in a hierarchical manner. The following table demonstrates the sections’ relationships.
Parent Section
Each row in the Parties section is a separate Party record
Many to One
Each Account row is associated with the Party record
Account Contacts/Assignments
Many to One
Each Account Contact/Assignment row is associated with the Account record
Account Contact Points
Account Contacts/Assignments
Many to One
Each Account Contact Point row is associated with the Account Contact record
Account Contact Responsibilities
Account Contacts/Assignments
Many to One
Each Account Contact Responsibility row is associated with the Account Contact record
Account Profiles
One to One
Each Account Profile row is associated with the Account record
Many to One
Each Address row is associated with the Account record
Site Purposes
Many to One
Each Site Purpose row is associated with the Address/Site record
Site Purpose Reference Accounts
Site Purposes
Many to One
Each Site Purpose Reference Account row is associated with the Site Purpose Bill to record
Site Contacts/Assignments
Many to One
Each Site Contact row is associated with the Address/Site record
Site Contact Points
Site Contacts/Assignments
Many to One
Each Site Contact Point row is associated with the Site Contact record
Site Contact Responsibilities
Site Contacts/Assignments
Many to One
Each Site Contact Responsibility row is associated with the Site Contact record
Site Profiles
One to One
Each Site Profile row is associated with the Site record
The scenario below illustrates the hierarchical layout. The example shows one Party record, two Customer Accounts and associated Account and Site information. Note the ‘Create’ action in each section.