ERP Cloud Finance Module User Guide


Create Customer Records

Create Party Organization and Customer Account
To create a Party Organization, ensure the Party Upload Action field is populated with ‘Create’ or ‘Create records’. Select the Party Type of ‘Organization’ and enter the ‘Party Organization Name’ and any additional required Party Organization information.  Similarly, in the Accounts section, enter the Account Upload Action of ‘Create’ or ‘Create records’ and any relevant Account information.
Create Party Person and Customer Account
To create a Party Person, ensure the Party Upload Action field is populated with ‘Create’ or ‘Create records’. Select the Party Type of ‘Person’ and enter the Person’s details in the ‘Party Persons’ section.  Likewise, in the Accounts section, enter the Account Upload Action and the relevant Account information.
Account and Site Contact Assignments Creation Process
Contacts can be created at Account and Site level. The creation of Contacts entails multiple calls to the web services. The initial call creates the basic Contact information at the appropriate level, but does not create the association with a Customer Account/Site - i.e. at this point the Contact will not be visible within Oracle Fusion.
The Integrator will automatically trigger a call to a second web service to assign the newly created Contact to the Customer Account/Site against which the Contact has been entered in the Integrator.
The Contact Assignment Primary Flag can be set as ‘Yes’ at the Account/Site level to indicate that a contact is the Primary Contact for this Account/Site.
Account and Site Contact Points
To simplify the creation of Contact Point details, which involves multiple web service calls, the Contact Types are categorized into subsections within the Account contacts and Site Contacts sections, e.g. Account Contact Emails, Account Contact Phones, etc.
Associating New ‘Bill To’ and ‘Ship To’ Site Purposes
When creating a new Address and Site, the ‘Bill To’ and ‘Ship To’ Site Purposes can both be created and the ‘Bill To’ Address associated with the ‘Ship To’ Site Purpose in the same upload. To create this association, select ‘Yes’ in the ‘Site Purpose Bill To Parent Site’ field against the ‘Ship To’ row.
The ‘Site Purpose Location’ field must be populated with the same value for both the Bill To and Ship To Purposes.
Assigning an Existing ‘Bill To’ Site Address to a new ‘Ship To’ Purpose
Select the relevant address from the list of values against the 'Site Purpose Bill To Site’ field to associate the selected address to the ‘Ship To Site Purpose’.
Enter Account and Site Profile Class Information
Enter the appropriate Profile Class Name manually or select it from the available list of values.  If you wish to upload different values of those that defaulted from the Profile Class, simply enter these in the worksheet.  When uploaded, all profile values will be defaulted from the Profile class except those overridden in the worksheet.
To verify the uploaded data, download the record into the sheet.
Account Profiles
When a customer account is created in the Oracle UI, it is automatically assigned a ‘DEFAULT’ profile.  However, when using the web service to upload customer records, if no profile value is provided, the web service does not default this information.  As a result, customer records are uploaded with a blank profile.  This leads to a form freeze in the Oracle UI when attempting to review the Profile History Tab for customers with no profile.
To avoid this situation arising the Integrator requires users to enter a profile when creating customers.  If no profile is entered, the Integrator will fail with the error: ‘[Accounts] Account Profiles section must be completed if Accounts Upload Action is ‘Create’ or ‘Create records’.
Site Profiles
There are a number of prerequisites that are required to create Site Profiles:
     The site you want to create a profile for must have an active Site Purpose. This purpose can be either ‘Bill To’ or ‘Ship To’.
     The ‘Account Number’ and ‘Site Number’ for the specific site must be provided on the sheet. These numbers are required by the web service for processing.
Note that each site can have only one associated Profile.
Original System Field Settings
Inputting Original System information into multiple sections, e.g. Addresses, Accounts, Contact Points, etc. may cause the upload to fail with the following message:
“API Error: You can't create multiple mappings for this source system. (HZ-120146)
To resolve this issue, navigate in Oracle Fusion UI to the Setup and Maintenance > Manage Source System Entities form.
In the Customer Information System: Entities section > Allow Multiple Source References, enable the relevant sources.
Descriptive Flexfields
In the DFF form, the field controls may not represent the Data Type of each DFF Attribute for the chosen Context. They will be presented as shortlist LOVs as shown below:
For DFF Attributes with a Data Type of Free Text, type the required value into the available field.
Refer to the Descriptive Flexfields documentation for more information.