Uploading Tax Lines
This initial release does not allow for uploading separate Tax lines. This is in planned development and will be available in a later version, this is due to current limitations in the REST web service validations being performed by Oracle.
Uploading Salescredits
Currently, we are unable to support Quota and Non-Quota Salescredits as a web service does not exist for this. Should one be released we will look to add this functionality at a later date.
Uploading Line-level Ship-To tax determinants
These are currently not supported as these fields aren’t available in the Oracle REST web service. Should these become available we will look to add this functionality at a later date.
Transaction Interface DFFs allow Duplicates
The Oracle REST web service does not reject duplicate transaction interface DFFs. This may or may not be an issue depending on your business processes.
Supported Distribution Account Classes
Only Revenue, Receivables and Freight Account Classes are supported in this version.
When separate Tax lines are available in a future release, we will look to add Tax Account Class functionality.
All other Account Classes are unavailable due to limitations with Oracle’s REST web service.
Downloading On-Account Credit Memos
The current REST web services used to download On-Account Credit Memos and Open Invoice information has a limited array of queryable fields.
When using the ‘On-Account Credit Memos’ Download source, ‘Business Unit’, ‘Transaction Date’, ‘Transaction Source’, ‘Transaction Type’, ‘Transaction Number’, ‘Cross Reference’, ‘Salesperson Number’, ‘Currency’, ‘Bill to Customer Account Number’, ‘Bill to Site’, and ‘PO Number’ can be used as download criteria for both the sheet and form download.
When using the ‘Open Invoices’ Download source, ‘Transaction Number’, ‘Salesperson Number’, and ‘Ship to Contact’ can be used as download criteria for both the sheet and form download.
Contact More4apps should you require other fields as download filters.
Downloading ID Codes instead of Values
Legal Entity and Taxation Country do not download, only their Id’s or codes are written to the sheet. Should the user attempt to re-upload this data it would fail Integrator validation and need to be changed by the user. An Oracle SR has been created and is currently pending update.
Downloading of Distributions
Distribution information does not download due to the design of the Oracle REST web service. Data becomes orphaned against credit memo lines making the user experience very cumbersome and could result in re-upload errors.
Unsupported Duplicates
Oracle has not provided the ability to refine some duplicate names by numbers or IDs. If a duplicate name exists in one of the affected columns, Oracle will reject with “API Error: The <name> that you selected is invalid”. This is slightly misleading as it is valid but cannot be used as Oracle cannot identify the correct record. The data will need to be entered via the Oracle Cloud User Interface.
Currently affected columns include:
● Bill To Contact
● Transaction Business Category
● Intended Use
● Product Fiscal Classification
● Product Category
● Product Type
● User Defined Fiscal Classification
An Oracle SR has been created and is currently pending update.
Tax Exemptions
Uploading Tax Exemption Handling values is not supported in this initial release, due to Oracle limitations. This will be added in a future release, should Oracle improve the web service. However, Tax Exemption Certificate Numbers and Reasons can be uploaded.
Item Number/Memo Line effect on the Description column
The Oracle web service will overwrite a manually entered description with the description of an Item or Memo Line, if entered. The Integrator does not warn the user when this occurs.
Document Sequencing
Document Sequencing is rejected by the web service. An Oracle SR has been created and is currently pending update.
DFFs - Searchable LOVs
We are not able to provide searchable LOVs. This is due to the inability to run SQL dynamically in the Integrator.
The form supports both dependent and independent lists of values. However, table-based lists of values are currently not supported.
Some LOV values are duplicated in the Forms
When a column i.e. Terms, is secured by SetId and is assigned to the common set AND a specific Business Unit set id, the web service displays this value twice in the response. This results in duplicates in the LOV. If there is only one assignment it does not duplicate.
Note - It makes no difference to the behavior of the Integrator in relation to which of the duplicates you choose, as they are effectively the same.
Upload API Error - Ship to Customer
The Oracle REST web service currently rejects uploads where duplicate party names exist for the Ship To Customer Name (Ship to Name) in the worksheet. An error message, similar to the example below, will be written to the ‘Header Messages’ column:
API Error: Applying List binding LOV_ShipToCustomerName with given set of values leads to multiple matching rows for a row of type:InvoiceHeader
This also occurs even if the Ship To Customer Number (Ship to Number) exists on the sheet as well. The API seems to validate the Name value in isolation from the Number value and rejects it if duplicate Party Names are found.
If the duplicate party values are valid the credit memo can be successfully uploaded when the Ship To Customer Number (Ship to Number) exists in the worksheet and the Ship To Customer Name (Ship to Name) is removed from the sheet. It is likely users may not know the Ship To Customer Number at the time of data entry, however the Integrator will default this value during validation, making it simple to remove the offending duplicate party name and retry the upload with just the account number instead.
An Oracle SR has been logged to see if this validation can be improved. Tested on More4apps Cloud instance where Ship To Customer ‘Business World’ fails on 22D.
Attachments - Header Level only
This Integrator only supports the upload of attachments at the header level, to new credit memos. At this point in time, line level attachments are not supported. Also, should header attachments fail to upload successfully the first time, they can't be reprocessed. More4apps is investigating options on how this may be achieved.