Creating Receivables Invoices
Become familiar with the current Integrator limitations. These will be resolved over time as Oracle improves the underlying web services and we add functionality to this product.
The Oracle REST web service is very good at defaulting information when not uploaded and also at using your AutoAccounting rules. To preserve performance this Integrator has been designed to not default information as the Oracle ERP Cloud UI does, and instead leave this work to the background REST web service.
If you want to bypass your AutoAccounting configuration, simply enter your accounting information into the Distributions section of the Integrator. The Header Distribution section accepts Account Classes of Receivables and Freight, and the Line Distribution section accepts Account Classes of Revenue and Freight (due to limitations with Oracle’s REST web service and separate Tax Lines not being supported yet).
To create standard Receivables invoices, ensure the Upload Action for all relevant sections is set to Create.
Tip: Use the Default row 10 and set the value to Create for each section, or simply enter Create records (case sensitive) into the ‘Header Upload Action’ to automatically set the upload action in all other sections containing data.
Sheet Structure Examples
The scenarios below illustrate single and multiple Receivables invoices with associated Lines and Distributions. Examples do not include all critical columns. Note the ‘Create’ action at the header for each Receivables invoice.
Scenario 1
A Receivables invoice with two Lines each with one Distribution:
Scenario 2
Two Receivables invoices with associated Lines, and Distributions:
Once all Receivables invoice information is entered, the upload process can be initiated. For details on uploading refer to the Upload section.
Note: To create a complete invoice, header and line data is required at a minimum. The exception to this is if a Freight only invoice is created, with the Freight Amount at the Header level.
You can have Freight at either Header or Line level, but not both. To assign total freight at the header level, populate the ‘Freight Amount’ column. To assign freight to lines, populate the ‘Allocated Freight Amount’ column for the applicable line.
Example of Header Freight:
Example of Line Freight:
Successful uploads will return an ‘Accepted’ status at the Header level only, once the record is accepted by Oracle, and return Receivables invoice information from the web service.
Rejected uploads will return messaging.
More information on how to reprocess these records can be found here.
The Integrator is only able to create Attachments as the Oracle web services does not currently allow for the update or download of existing Attachments.
Note: Attachments are only supported at the Header level at this stage.
Refer to the Attachment documentation for more information on these limitations.
Descriptive Flexfields
In the DFF form, the field controls may not represent the Data Type of each DFF Attribute for the chosen Context. They will be presented as shortlist LOVs as shown below:
For DFF Attributes with a Data Type of Free Text, a user can type the required value into the available field.