Become familiar with the current Integrator limitations. These will be resolved over time as Oracle improves the underlying web services and we add additional functionality to this product.
To create an Unprocessed Project Cost, the ‘Expenditure Items Upload Action’ column value must be ‘Create’. There is only ONE section in the Costs Integrator so there will only be one upload action column available on the sheet. Please refer to the Uploading section for more information on how to upload the Create action.
Batch Header
Every transaction on the sheet requires a Batch Name. You can enter multiple Batches on the sheet. If there are multiple transactions per batch, you must repeat the Batch details on every transaction line on the sheet unless you choose to use the Default Row, described below.
Default Row
The Default Row can be used to enter values specified in the row to default down the sheet during validation. More information about the Default Row can be found here.
Data Entry Form
The Data Entry Form can be used to enter details on the sheet. For every sub-section on the sheet, there is a separate tab on the Data Entry Form to enter the relevant data. More information about the Data Entry form can be found here.
Original Transaction Reference
A unique Original Transaction Reference number will be automatically generated by the Integrator for each unprocessed project cost on the sheet if the field is left blank. You can enter your own Original Transaction Reference if you prefer.
Integrator Transaction Group Size
The Costs Integrator can upload 100 transactions at a time. That means, if there are five hundred rows of transactions on the sheet, the first 100 will be grouped together and uploaded and the second 100 and then the third 100 and so on. If there are errors in one or more of a 100 record group, the entire group will be rejected. The Integrator will continue to process the next 100 and so on.
Additional Information DFF
If the Additional Information Descriptive Flexfields exist for the unprocessed project costs, the Costs Integrator can be used to create and download these values. All the Integrators available under the Projects Module are able to dynamically create DFF columns during the new sheet creation based on the DFF configuration in Oracle Cloud. More information about the Descriptive Flexfields can be found here.
Upload to Create Pending Unprocessed Transactions
Once all the transaction details are on the sheet, they can be uploaded to the interface table. More information on how to upload records to Oracle can be found here. Clicking on the ‘Upload’ will trigger the Integrator validation as well as the Oracle REST Web Service validation. Once the transactions pass validation, they will be uploaded to Oracle. See section Error Handling and Validation for more information about validation. A successful upload of the transactions will be returned with the status of ‘Pending’ on the sheet along with the Transaction Reference ID.
Transaction Reference ID is a required value when you want to ‘Delete’ the Unprocessed Project Costs. This is covered in the section Delete Unprocessed Project Costs.
The following screenshot shows a list of Unprocessed Project Costs in the interface table:
Figure 1 shows the valid transactions with a returned status of 'Pending' and Transaction Reference ID column populated.
Figure 2 shows the Unprocessed Project Costs from the Costs Integrator uploaded to Oracle Cloud under Manage Unprocessed Costs.
Once the Unprocessed Project Costs are uploaded, you can Submit the ‘Import Costs’ process using the Costs Integrator. See section Import Unprocessed Project Costs for more information on how to do this.