ERP Cloud Projects Module User Guide


Create Award Budgets

Periods for award project budgets come from the budget periods defined for the specific award in Oracle Fusion Grants Management.
Award project budgets don't use the project accounting calendar, accounting calendar or accounting periods.
Become familiar with the format of the budget periods defined for the awards you want to work with on the sheet. The format can be found by navigating to an Award Financial tab under the Budget Period list. In the example award below, the format of the award project budget period is FY-YY.
Knowing the correct award budget period format is essential to generating the award budget sheet.
Settings Form
Before you can create an award budget, you need to complete the settings form for the Award Budgets Integrator. The settings values will generate a layout for the budget sheet. Follow the instructions below to complete the Settings form:
1.      Click on the ‘Settings’ icon the menu bar to launch the Settings form.
2.      Select ‘Award Budgets’ from the list of Integrators and click ‘Select’.
3.      Complete the fields on the form.
The following values on the Settings form will generate a sheet with period values FY-22, FY-23, FY-24, FY-25, FY-26 for Quantity and Raw Cost.
The following values on the Settings form will generate a sheet with period values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for Quantity and Raw Cost.
User Defined Prefix:  Enter a prefix (e.g., FY, FinYr, EOY, etc) if the budget period format uses a prefix. If not, leave this blank.
Separator:  Enter a separator (e.g., “/” or “-“) if the budget period format uses a separator. If not, leave this blank.
Starting Period (mandatory):  You must specify the first period of your budget in the correct format of your periods (e.g., 2022 or 22 or 1). If you want to cover periods of multiple awards on the sheet, make sure the starting period covers the earliest year of the award on the sheet. The period format of all the awards on the sheet must have the same budget period format (e.g. FY-2022).
Number of Periods:  Enter the number of periods you want generated on the sheet. You may want to budget multiple awards on the same sheet. If you want to cover periods of multiple awards on the sheet, make sure the number of periods you enter cover the range of dates for the awards.
The following Amount Type fields have the option to select a ‘Yes’ value: 
a.   ‘Include Quantity Periods’
b.   ‘Include Raw Cost Periods’
c.   ‘Include Burdened Cost Periods’
Each Amount Type/s with a ‘Yes’ value will generate a set of period column headings based on the number of periods on the Settings form.
4.      Click on the ‘Save’ button
5.      Select ‘Templates’ from the More4apps ribbon and select ‘Create New Sheet’.
6.      Select ‘Award Budgets’ from the list of Integrators and click ‘Select’.
A period-phased award budgets layout will be created based on the values on the Settings form.
Award Budgets has three main sections in the Integrator:
     Award Budget Versions
     Planning Resources
     Plan Lines with Amount Types and Periods
Award Budget Versions is the header section of the Budget. Planning Resources and Plan Lines with Amount Types and Periods are its child sections. The child sections cannot be created without a valid header section.  To create a complete Budget, the ‘Award Budget Versions Upload Action’, ‘Planning Resources Upload Action’, and ‘Plan Lines Upload Action’ column values must contain ‘Create’ on each row.  Please refer to the Uploading section for more information on how to upload the Create action.
This section describes the key fields available from each of the sections in the Integrator.
Award Budget Versions
In the Award Budget Versions section, enter the Award Number, Plan Type and Name as a minimum to successfully create a budget.
Upload Action columns can be populated with an Create or Create records. Create records causing all related child components to default to the same action, while Create will only create that section.
Award Number
Award Number is required to create an Award Budget.
Project Number
Project Number associated with an Award.
Plan Type
Name of the financial plan type used to create the budget version. Select from the List of Values.
Version Number
The number of the budget version.  Leave this field blank and the number will be populated after a successful upload. This field cannot be edited.
Enter the name of the budget version. This is required to create a new budget.
Enter the description of the award budget version.
This field displays the status of the award budget version indicating where the budget is in the submission/baselining process.  If this field is left blank, the status will be defaulted to ‘Current Working’ for a new budget.
Is Locked
The Is Locked field on the sheet indicates if the project budget version is locked. A value of ‘true’ means that the budget version is locked and cannot be edited. A value of ‘false’ means that the budget version is not locked and can be edited.  The default value while creating a project budget version is ‘false’.  You cannot set the value to ‘true’ when creating a new budget.
Locked By
Locked By is a display only field to show the name of the user who has locked the project budget version.
Planning Resources
Task Number
Number of the task to which a planning resource is assigned on a budget line.
Task Name
The Task Name is an optional display-only column and is populated when the task number is validated.
Resource Name
The List of Values for Resource Name are determined by the Primary Planning Resource Breakdown Structure against the project associated with an award.  
Unit of Measure
The unit, such as Hours, used to measure the work or effort planned for a resource. This is a display-only field. The value is defaulted from the Resource Name selected.
Funding Source
Select a funding source for the award budget line. This is a required field.
Plan Lines
Plan Lines for Award Budgets will only have the Currency column to upload. Plan Lines are associated with Amount Types and Periods. When the Settings form is used to generate the sheet, selected Amount Types with their own set of Periods will appear. In the example below, Amount Types ‘Quantity’ and ‘Raw Cost’ are selected from the Settings form to appear on the sheet with 5 periods for each Amount Type (Quantity and Raw Cost). The Starting Period Format in the example below is 1.
Depending on the Unit of Measure against a resource, you need to enter a period amount for the correct Amount Type.
When Plan Lines are uploaded to Oracle, the ‘Plan Lines Validation Status’ will not be set to an ‘Accepted’ status.  If the Plan Lines details are valid and the parent section Planning Resources is valid, then the ‘Plan Lines Validation Status’ will remain ‘Validated’ and its parent section ‘Planning Resources Status’ will have an ‘Accepted’ status returned.
The budget can be baselined at the same time as creating a new Budget Version or updating an existing one. To do this, follow the instructions below:
1. ‘Award Budget Versions Upload Action’ must have the value ‘Create’ or ‘Update’.
2. Complete entering in the details for the other sections (Planning Resources and Plan Lines).
3. Enter or select the value ‘Yes’ from the Data Form in the Baseline section of the Integrator.
In order for the budget version to be baselined successfully, all the sections with the upload action on the sheet must be valid and uploaded successfully to Oracle.  If there are errors in any of the sections during validation or upload, the baseline operation will not proceed.
If the baseline operation is successful, a copy of the budget with a status of ‘Current Working’ will be created automatically (if there are budget lines). The example below shows when Plan Version Number 1 was created and baselined, the process changed the status of Plan Version Number 1 to ‘Current and Original Baseline’ and copied it to a new draft version number 2 with the status of ‘Current Working’.
Creating/Updating multiple Award Budgets with different number of Periods
If you want to create or update multiple Award Budgets on one sheet, make sure the Settings form includes the maximum number of periods needed for one of your awards. The example below shows three awards with different number of periods. The period format for the awards must be the same in order for them to work correctly on the same sheet. 
Periods and Format
T-Cell Recruitment in Immune Defence
Pandemic Preparedness Study
COVID-19 Clinical Vaccine Trials
The Settings form for the above three Awards will be set as follows:
The example below shows the existing award budgets with the status of ‘Current Working’ for the three Awards with different number of periods.
You cannot work with multiple awards on the same sheet if they do not share the same period format.
Planning Levels
There are three Planning Levels for a budget:
     Project and Top Tasks
     Project and All Tasks
When you create a new budget using the Integrator, the default Planning Level against the Plan Type selected for the budget will be used. As mentioned earlier, you cannot change the default Planning Level using the Integrator.
Project level budgets require the Project Number to be added to the Task Number column under the Planning Resources section. If you put in a Task Number, you will get an error message.
Project and Top Tasks level budget require either the Project Number or Top Task Number to be added to the Task Number column under the Planning Resources section.  If you put in a bottom Task Number (e.g., child task), you will get an error message.
For Project and All Tasks level budgets, you can enter the Project Number and any of its Tasks into the Task Number column under the Planning Resources section.
You can manually change the Planning Level of a new award budget version in the Oracle form before adding any lines to the budget.  You can also use the Integrator to create an empty award budget version, which can then be changed in the Oracle Form if required.
Once there are amounts against a budget version, you can no longer change the Planning Options.
Creating multiple Planning Resources and Plan Lines
Multiple Planning Resources can be created against a Budget Version.  Multiple Plan Lines can be created against a single Planning Resource if multi-currency is enabled.
The example below shows several Planning Resources created against various tasks for a single budget.
The example below shows two Plan Lines created against a single Planning Resource when multi-currency is enabled for the project.