ERP Cloud Projects Module User Guide


Create Events

To create a new event, the ‘Header Upload Action’ column value must be Create. Please refer to the Uploading section for more information on how to use the Create action.
When events are uploaded to Oracle, the ‘Events Status’ will be set to an ‘Accepted’ status.
There are two methods for entering values: direct input on the sheet or via a Data Form. Each method has its own advantages.
Direct Input on the Sheet
       You can manually enter values directly onto the sheet.
       This method allows you to copy and paste values from a different source.
       Please note that when uploading, a validation process will run to ensure the correctness of all entered values.
Data Form
       The Data Form provides an alternative way to enter values.
       It allows you to search or select values from pre-defined List of Values.
       This can be useful when you don’t know the exact value to enter on the sheet.
The following fields have list of values and the value you enter on the sheet must match the option in Oracle. Columns marked required are to be populated to create events. Use the Data Form to assist:
        Business Unit (required): Name of the business unit for the event.
        Organization: Name of the organization for the event.
        Contract Number (required): Number that uniquely identifies the contract for the event. Valid values are all contracts that belong to the business unit for the event selected in the Business Unit field and are not in Closed or Cancel status.
        Contract Line (required): Only Contract Lines linked with a bill plan are eligible for selection for an event.
        Project Number: The associated project with a contract line.
        Task Number: The associated task within the project task hierarchy associated with a contract line.
        Event Type (required): Enter or select an appropriate event type.
        Transaction Currency: Enter or select the transaction currency. Leave it blank to default from the bill plan.
        Hold Invoice: Indicates that the event is held from invoicing. The options are:
o   Y (Indefinitely - Hold from future billing indefinitely).
o   N (No - Do not hold from billing).
o   O (Once - Hold from the next billing only) flag.
Leave it blank to default to N (No). You cannot hold billing on revenue write-offs. The Hold Invoice Flag is only enabled for events that can be billed.
        Hold Revenue: Indicates that the event is held from recognizing revenue. The options are:
o   Y (Indefinitely - Hold from future revenue accrual indefinitely).
o   N (No - Do not hold from revenue accrual).
Leave it blank to default to N (No). This flag is applicable only for the Realized Gains and Realized Losses events created by the Revaluate Funding process. The Hold Revenue Flag for the realized gains is set to Y if the corresponding revaluation adjustment funding does not have a baseline, and set to N when the revaluation adjustment funding has a baseline.
        Reverse Accrual: Enter or select the Y (Yes) or N (No) flag. Indicates if the event should automatically reverse in the next period. Default value is N. Set the value to Y to have the application automatically create a reversal event. The Completion Date is also mandatory to create a reversal event.
The following fields can be entered manually on the sheet or on the Data Form:
        Description: Enter event description or leave it blank to default from the selected Event Type value.
        Completion Date: Enter completion date or leave it blank.
        Amount (required): Bill transaction amount for the event must be entered.
Application Source and Event Source columns
The Application Source and Event Source columns are not mandatory, and you have the option to leave them blank. If left blank (as indicated by (a) in the figure below), the Events Integrator will automatically insert default values, which are:
        Application Source: More4apps Events Integrator
        Event Source: A randomly generated string of numbers and alphabets
Alternatively, you can input your preferred values (as marked (b) in the figure below) if you prefer not to accept the default ones.
Once an Event is created, the value of these columns cannot be updated. Any attempt to update them will be ignored.
Item-Based Events
To create Item-Based Events, the following conditions must be met:
·         The event type must support item-based events.
·         The contract line type must be associated with an item.
On the sheet, the following columns are available for an Item-based event:
·         Item Based Event Flag: Set to 'Yes' for item-based events. Setting it to 'No' or leaving it blank will exclude the item-based event columns.
·         Item: Select an item from the inventory organization tied to the contract. Leave blank to default the item from the contract line.
·         Unit of Measure: Select the unit of measure for the new item. Leave blank to default the unit of measure from the contract line.
·         Quantity (required): Specify the quantity for the item-based event.
·         Unit Price: Enter the unit price or leave it blank to default from the contract line.
Note that the following columns will not be uploaded for item-based events:
·         Amount
·         Transaction Currency