ERP Cloud Projects Module User Guide


Create Assets

To create a project asset, the 'Assets Upload Action’ column value must be ‘Create’.  Refer to the Uploading section for more information on how to upload the Create action.
This section describes some of the fields available in the integrator.
Project Number
A Project Number is a mandatory field, and it determines the project to which an asset belongs.
Asset Name
An Asset Name is a mandatory field when creating a new asset. It uniquely identifies each asset within a project.
New Asset Name
If you want to update an existing asset with a new name, you must enter the new name in the ‘New Asset Name’ field for the change to be successful. Asset Name is a unique key for the asset. You must use the ‘New Asset Name’ field to update an asset with a new name.
Tag Number
If you enter a tag number, it must be unique. A tag number uniquely identifies each asset. For example, use the tag number to track asset barcodes, if you use them.
Asset Category, Asset Key, Location, Depreciation Expense Account
These fields allow valid combinations of the relevant Key Flexfields to be selected in Oracle Cloud. Currently there is no support for lists of values on the KFF fields as the Integrator cannot read the definitions yet. This may change in the future as Oracle add support for this requirement and our products mature. For now, you must enter a valid combination for these fields to create assets successfully. See example below:
Asset Type
Valid Asset Types are:
If the Asset Type of ‘As-Built’ is selected, the 'Actual In-Service Date’ and 'Actual Units’ fields will become mandatory.
Asset Key & Asset Key Reference
When creating an asset, the ‘Asset Key Reference’ field provides a list of the existing valid Asset Key Flexfield combinations: you cannot create new combinations in this field. When you initially input a value into this field, the same value is automatically populated into the ‘Asset Key’ field.
If you subsequently change a value in the ‘Asset Key Reference’ field, this change is NOT reflected in an already populated ‘Asset Key’ field. When the Project Asset is uploaded, it is the value in the ‘Asset Key’ field which will be saved against the Asset in Oracle.
Therefore, you must ensure that the value in the ‘Asset Key’ field is the value you wish to have in Oracle before you run the upload. Values can be manually copied from the Integrator’s ‘Asset Key Reference’ field to the ‘Asset Key’ field.
If your Asset Key Flexfield setup allows you to dynamically create new combinations of the defined Asset Key segment values, you should use the ‘Asset Key’ field to enter these new combinations and leave the ‘Asset Key Reference’ field blank.
Enter the Asset details manually in the sheet or use the Data Form to enter details:
Default Row
The Default Row can be used to enter values specified in the row to default down the sheet during validation. More information about the Default Row can be found here.
The ‘Accepted’ status for ‘Assets Status’ is returned to the sheet if all the assets are valid and uploaded successfully to Oracle.