The Award Budgets Integrator can be used to view, create, update and delete Award budgets that are in the Grants Management module. The Integrator loads data to Oracle Cloud using the supported Oracle ERP Cloud REST Web Services.
The Award Budgets Integrator will use the default values for these attributes on an Award Project to manage budgets:
● Calendar type: A calendar type of ‘Award Calendar’ will be used for Award Budgets.
● Budget creation method: Only the budget creation method of ‘Manual’ is supported in the Integrator.
● Planning resources: Only the assigned planning resources to the planning level that you selected in the project, which is either the project level or task level will be used to create an Award Budget.
The Integrator cannot be used to set Planning Options when creating a new budget. Default Planning Options associated with an Award Project will be used.
If you want to create a budget with Planning Options that are different to the default Planning Options, we suggest that you create the budget version in Oracle first and then use the Integrator to download the budget to add Planning Resources and Plan Lines.