To carry out an Update to the existing contracts, More4apps recommend downloading them first onto the sheet. Refer to the Download Contracts section for more information on how to download.
Contract version plays a critical role when carrying out updates. Please ensure that you are updating the version that is eligible for amendments.
To update a contract, the ‘Header Upload Action’ must always have Update or Update records action if the values are to be updated or left blank if no processing of the data is required. Please refer to the Uploading section for more information on how to upload the Update action.
To update a contract, the following values are required at Header and must be included as part of the upload:
● Business Unit
● Number
● Version
When making updates to contracts, ensure that the 'Header Upload Action' is always set to either 'Update' or 'Update records' (if you intend to update all sections on the sheet). If you use 'Update', and wish to update other sections, the upload action for those sections AND its parent section must also be set to 'Update'. To simplify this process, you can utilize the Default Row feature to set the upload action to 'Update' which will be copied down to the rows, thus avoiding the need to manually enter it for each parent section line. Examples below.
Updating Associated Projects
To update Associated Projects, ‘Associated Project Id’ must be on the sheet with valid IDs associated to the Associated Project row. If you enter an invalid ID, the update process will fail.
Header Upload Action is set to ‘Update’ as a requirement for all contract updates. Contract Lines Upload Action is set to ‘Update’ against a contract line linked to an Associated Project and as a parent section of Associated Projects. Associated Projects Upload Action is set to ‘Update’ for the associated projects that need to be updated (e.g. Funding Amount).
Updating Party Contacts
To update Party Contacts, make sure the Update action is at Header and Party Contacts sections. The ‘Contract Party Contact Id’ column with valid values is required to update existing Party Contacts.
Updating & Creating Billing Controls
When you create a contract with a line amount, an automatic Billing Controls record is generated both in the Header (found under the Billing tab) and in the Lines section.
The Soft Limit amount within the default Billing Control line mirrors the specified amount in the Lines. This value cannot be altered. In the case of the default Billing Control line, only the Billing Resource and the Hard Limit can be entered.
Lines Billing Controls
Header Billing Controls
Billing Controls operate the same way in the Contracts Integrator. In the example below, the default Billing Control is updated with a new Billing Resource number. On a new row, a new Billing Control line is also created. To ensure the successful updating of Billing Controls, it's vital to maintain valid values in the ID column of the sheet.
In the example below, an attempt to modify the Soft Limit value for the default Billing Control within the Lines section results in an error. The default Billing Control line exclusively permits updates to the Billing Resource number and the Hard Limit value.
Updating Key Fields
To update the key fields in the Integrator, you must use the corresponding column name prefixed with ‘New’. For instance, to update the contract ‘Name’ field, the column header ' New Name' must be utilized.
Here are the key fields in the tool that require the corresponding column name prefixed with ‘New’ to update their values:
● New Bill Plan Name
● New Rev Plan Name
● New Line Number
Line Bill Plan and Line Revenue Plan
Line Bill Plan and Line Revenue Plan cannot be created as part of the Bill Plan and Revenue Plan creation process. They must be updated after Bill Plans and Revenue Plans are created. This feature will be improved in the future releases of the tool.