The Amend Contracts Integrator enables users to submit amendments for contracts with an 'Active' status. This action changes the status of the 'Active' contracts to 'Under Amendment,' allowing you to subsequently use the Contracts Integrator to make updates. You can submit multiple contracts for amendment in a single upload.
To upload contracts for amendment, you have three options:
1. Download them via a sheet.
2. Use the Download form.
3. If you already know the contract numbers you want to amend, enter them directly to the sheet without downloading them.
The following example illustrates the process of downloading through a sheet, where you input specific values to act as a download filter.
Set ‘Amend Upload Action’ column to ‘Amend’ either by manually entering it into the sheet, or by utilizing the Data Form.
If you leave the ‘Create New Version’ column blank, the default value would be a ‘Yes’. If your setup requires you to enter this value, please enter it before uploading.
Once you’re ready, click ‘Upload’ to submit the contracts for amendment.
Amend Status column returns a message of ‘Accepted’ if the contracts are successfully submitted for amendment.
After submitting the three contracts for amendment in the example above and subsequently downloading all their versions back to the sheet, you will notice that the most recent versions of the contracts have been assigned new version numbers and their status has been updated to 'UNDER_AMENDEMENT.'