The Import Costs process imports transactions from the Costs Integrator, validates the transactions, and processes the transactions to create expenditure items and cost distributions. Once the Unprocessed Project Costs are successfully loaded to Oracle with a ‘Pending’ status, you can Submit the ‘Import Costs’ process from the Costs Integrator for the unprocessed costs to become processed costs. To use the Submit functionality in the Costs Integrator, follow the instructions below:
1. Click on the icon ‘Scheduled Processing’ and select ‘Submit’.
The ‘Import Costs’ form to Import Costs will open:
Business Unit (required)
Business unit that owns the project transaction.
Process Mode (required)
Mode for processing imported transactions or adjustments.
Transaction Status (required)
Status of transactions identified for processing: We recommend selecting ‘All statuses’
Transaction Source (required)
Name of the transaction source application.
Document associated with the transaction.
Expenditure Batch
Expenditure batch for which transactions are processed.
From Project Number
Initial project number in the range of projects provided for importing and processing cost transactions.
To Project Number
Final project number in the range of projects provided for importing and processing cost transactions.
Process Through Expenditure Item Date (required)
Expenditure item date of transactions through which transactions are processed and imported.
Generate Report
Review the output report in Summary, Detail. Leave blank to opt out of generating a report.
2. Click ‘Submit’. Once the Import process has been submitted, a popup message will be displayed. Despite the message asking you to use the ‘Monitoring functionality’, this functionality has not been implemented in the Costs integrator yet. It is a feature that is on the plan to be released soon. For now, to monitor the process, log into Oracle Cloud to see the outcome of the request.
Once the request has successfully completed, use the Refresh Import Results functionality to see the import results for the transactions on the sheet with a status of ‘Pending’.