Refer to the Uploading section for more information on how to upload the Delete action.
To Delete existing Transaction Controls, More4apps recommend downloading the Project and/or Tasks first to have all the existing Transaction Controls downloaded to the sheet.
To delete a Transaction Control at the Project and Task levels, the ‘Proj TC Upload Action’ and ‘Task TC Upload Action’ must have the ‘Delete’ action.
You may NOT delete Transaction Controls if the ID cell is empty. This value is the key to the record. The Integrator considers an empty ID cell to mean that this is a new record.
Once the desired Transaction Controls are marked for Delete, upload the changes to Oracle.
The ‘Deleted’ status for ‘Project Transaction Controls Status’ and/or 'Task Transaction Controls Status’ is returned to the sheet if the Transaction Controls successfully deleted from Oracle. If the delete is successful, the ‘Task TC Trans ID’ and ‘Proj TC Trans ID’ values will be cleared. Once the records are deleted, you have the option to change any details for the record and reupload without clearing the ‘Project Transaction Controls Status’ and/or 'Task Transaction Controls Status’ of the ‘Deleted’ status.