ERP Cloud Procurement Module User Guide


Updateable Columns List

The underlying Oracle web service allows update to the following fields:
Supplier *
Supplier Site *
Supplier Contact
Requires Signature
Master Contract
Overriding Approver
Descriptive Flexfields
U.S. Federal attributes
Override B2B Communication Flag
Additional contact email
Required Acknowledgement & Ack. within Days
Communication Method, Email, Fax, Cc & Bcc
Default Ship-to Location
Bill-to Location
Buyer & Buyer Email
Conversion Rate Type, Conversion Rate Date & Conversion Rate
Pay On Receipt
Payment Terms
Freight Terms
Carrier, Mode of Transport & Service Level
Note to Receiver
Note to Suppler
Supplier Order
Confirming Order
Line Description
Supplier Item
Pricing UOM
Base Price
Discount Type
Discount Reason
Negotiated Flag
Source Agreement Procurement BU
Source Agreement
Source Agreement Line
Descriptive Flexfields
Maximum Retainage Amount
Note to Supplier
Line Number
UN Number
Hazard Class
*Not applicable for Open orders. Open status includes Closed, Closed for Receiving, Closed for Invoicing and On Hold 
Promised Delivery Date
Promised Ship Date
Requested Delivery Date
Requested Ship Date
Descriptive Flexfields
Retainage Rate
Note to Receiver
Ship-to Location
Schedule Number
Receipt Routing
Allow Substitute Receipts Flag
Accrue At Receipt Flag
Invoice Close Tolerance Percent
Receipt Close Tolerance Percent
Invoice Match Option
Match Approval Level
Country of Origin
Supplier Order Line Number
Carrier, Mode of Transport & Service Level
Early Receipt Tolerance in Days, and
Late Receipt Tolerance in Days
Over Receipt Tolerance & Over Receipt Action
Receipt Date Exception Action, and
Ship To Exception Action
Purchase Order Charge Account
Destination Charge Account
Project Flexfields
Budget Date
Descriptive Flexfields
Deliver-to Location
Distribution Number
Conversion Rate, and
Conversion Rate Date
*Not applicable for Open orders. Open status includes Closed, Closed for Receiving, Closed for Invoicing and On Hold 
Note: Not all the columns listed are currently available in our integrator. This is a list of all possible updates the REST web service will support. We plan to expand our columns over time and meet customer requirements.
Warning: Ship-to location updates that don't involve updating the ship to organization are supported. Ship to organization updates are not allowed once a schedule is saved and that's true both for the UI as well as any REST API.
If you need to update any other values, the purchase order will need to be cancelled and re-created with new values.
To cancel purchase orders using Excel refer to Cancel Purchase Orders Integrator.