The Import Blanket Purchase Agreements process involves importing agreements from the interface table and creating BPA’s in the application.
To use the Submit functionality in the Blanket Purchase Agreement Integrator, please follow the instructions below.
Click on the icon ‘Scheduled Processing’ and select ‘Submit’.
The ‘Import Blanket Agreements’ form will open:
Procurement BU
Specify the name of the procurement business unit that these documents should be imported into.
LOV based on user access.
Default Buyer
Specify the name of the buyer to be used when one isn't included in the import data.
LOV of buyers with access to Procurement BU.
Default to logged-in user
Create or Update Item
Select Yes to create an item that doesn't exist or update an existing item.
Hidden, Optional
Approval Action
Select one of the following actions:
Do Not Approve: Imports the document in Incomplete status requiring manual interaction.
Submit for Approval: Imports the document and submits it to the approval process after the document is imported.
Bypass Approval: Imports the document in Open (approved) status without going through the approval process.
Import Source
Set to 'More4apps BPA Integrator'
Batch ID
Used to match against the records in the interface tables to retrieve the correct set of records for processing. For example: Batch ID = 123. Use it with Import Source to identify the documents to be loaded to the application tables.
Communicate Agreements
Select Yes to have imported purchasing documents communicated to the supplier.
Select No to not have imported purchasing documents communicated to the supplier.
Click ‘Submit’. Once the Import process has been submitted, a popup message will be displayed that the process has been submitted with a request ID.
This value is also copied to cell A5 on the integrator
Use the Scheduled Processing View in the UI to check the status of the process or use the View:
Once the request has successfully completed, you can Refresh the Integrator (next step).
This success only indicates that the imports have run rather than the agreements have been successfully created/updated.