ERP Cloud Procurement Module User Guide


Integrator Privileges

The web service used by our Integrators require Oracle privileges to operate*. All privileges are predefined by Oracle and you only need to assign the privileges related to the Integrator you wish to use.
For a step-by-step guide on assigning privileges, refer to the Assigning Privileges section of our installation guide.
Important - To use any Integrator, two additional privileges are needed on top of the Integrator specific privileges listed below. See the “Required for any Integrator” section in the table for these privileges.
Privilege Name and Code
Required for any Integrator
Access Mobile CRM
     Provides the Upload Action lists of values such as ‘Create’, ‘Update’ etc.
Manage Application Flexfield Value Set FND_APP_MANAGE_FLEXFIELD_VALUE_SET_PRIV
     Retrieves value set values and displays them as lists of values.
Standard Purchase Orders
Cancel Purchase Orders
Close Purchase Orders
View Purchase Order
     Enables download of Standard Purchase Orders by REST service.
Create Purchase Order
     Enables creation of Standard Purchase Orders by REST service.
Change Purchase Order
     Allows update of approved Standard Purchase Orders.
Override Purchase Order Sold To Legal Entity
     Allows a procurement agent to override the purchase sold-to legal entity.
Override Purchase Order Bill To Business Unit PO_OVERRIDE_PO_BILL_TO_BU_PRIV
     Allows a procurement agent to override the purchase bill-to legal entity.
Cancel Purchase Order
     Allows cancellation of purchase orders including individual lines and schedules.
Close Purchase Order
     Allows close purchase orders including individual lines and schedules.
Finally Close Purchase Order
     Allows finally close purchase orders including individual lines and schedules.
Import Purchasing Document Bypassing Approval
     Only if using the ‘Bypass Approval’ Approval Action
Manage Project Unprocessed Expenditure Item
     List of Contract Numbers.
Get Project Setups
     Lists of values for Funding Source fields.
Purchase Requisitions
Manage Requisition
     Enables Download, Upload and Update of Purchase Requisition.
Create Requisition with Noncatalog Requests
     Enables creation of requests for items not available through the procurement catalog.
Create Requisition with Inventory Destination Type
     Enables creation of requisition lines with destination type Inventory.
Search Procurement Agent by REST Service
     Enables searching for procurement agents using REST service.
Requisition Management Using REST Service ORA_POR_USE_REST_SERVICE_MANAGE
     Enables user to see other preparers requisitions
Manage Project Unprocessed Expenditure Item
     List of Contract Numbers
Get Project Setups
     Lists of values for Funding Source fields.
Document Builder
Manage Requisition+
     Enables download Purchase Requisitions.
Requisition Management Using REST Service+
     Enables user to see other preparers requisitions.
Manage PO PR REST Service
     Enables Submit Process Requisitions (to generate Purchase Orders).
View Purchase Order+
     Enables download Purchase Orders created from Requisition lines in Standard Purchase Order Integrator.
Create Purchase Order+
     Submit Purchase Orders for Approval in Standard Purchase Order Integrator.
Blanket Purchase Agreement
View Purchase Agreement
     User is the named buyer on the document and is an active agent for the procurement business unit with access to manage purchase orders.
     User is an active agent for the procurement business unit with access to manage purchase agreements and is allowed to have VIEW, MODIFY, or FULL access to other agents' documents.
Purchase Agreement Import Management Using REST Service
Enable import.
Purchasing Document Import Errors Viewing Using REST Service
Enable to retrieve import errors.
*More4apps assumes you will have granted roles (data, duty, job, abstract etc), to allow your users to access the functionality in ERP Cloud.
The above privileges added to a custom job role, and assigned to your users, will allow access to the required web services for the More4apps products.
+ Some privileges are repeated so that access to an integrator can be granted on an individual basis.