ERP Cloud Procurement Module User Guide


Generating a New Sheet

1. Select ‘Create New Sheet’ from the ribbon options:
2. Select the Procurement Module and then the appropriate Integrator.
3. Using the form you can search, select and or deselect the fields you require then click ‘Create’.  Below is an example of the Designer.
     The designer by default will have all fields selected.
     You can un-check the top checkbox to deselect or select all columns with a single click.
     Un-checking the top check box will leave only required fields selected (greyed out check boxes).
o  Despite all required fields being checked in this scenario, you will still need to search and check the fields and/or sections you require to add them to your template.
The columns you have selected in the designer will be generated in the spreadsheet you now have in front of you.
Tip – You can remove all columns to assist with performance.