ERP Cloud Procurement Module User Guide


Approval Action

When uploading a new or changed purchase order you can specify an Approval Action. See below for details:
Approval Action
Submit for Approval
The purchase order will upload and be sent through the approval workflow.
When updating, a change order is created that must be approved before the purchase order updates are applied in Oracle. When the upload is successful the integrator’s ‘Change Order Status’ column will be move from INCOMPLETE to blank.
Bypass Approval
No additional approval is required for the purchase order upload and the approval workflow will be bypassed. This option will only succeed if you have the appropriate privilege. Refer to the Privileges section for these details.
Do Not Approve
The purchase order will not be approved and will remain ‘Incomplete’.
If no action is chosen, this is the default.
Note – The user can resubmit a purchase order for approval at any time by simply uploading the two columns, Existing Order Number and Approval action. Example layout