It is recommended that you purge the transaction from the interface table to avoid confusion during any reprocessing.
Navigate with the Cloud UI and schedule the process “Purge Processed Open Interface Documents” The Open Interface tables are used by Purchase Orders and Contract Purchase Agreements, so you need to be careful to purge the Blanket Purchase Agreements only.
Procurement BU
Specify the name of the procurement business unit that these documents should be imported into.
LOV based on user access.
Document Type
Should always set to Blanket Purchase Agreement
Purge Data
You can purge purchasing document interface records in any status, including those that haven't yet been processed. When selecting the data to purge, you can choose from these options:
Accepted and Rejected: Purge records that have been processed and either accepted or rejected. (default)
Accepted: Purge records that have been processed and accepted.
Rejected: Purge records that have been processed and rejected.
Stuck In Process: Purge records that remain marked as "in process" after the import program ends abnormally.
Unprocessed: Purge records that haven't yet been processed.
All: Purge all records.
Start and End date
Use if you wish to narrow your purge
Batch Id
Use this to narrow your purge or leave blank for All
Note: Ensure before you run the purge process that you have run the Refresh Import process, otherwise successful agreement numbers and any errors will not be returned to the Integrator worksheet.