Size limit (Oracle imposed)
File-based data import doesn't support the creation or update of purchasing documents with more than 10,000 distributions. E.g. 1 Purchase order, 1 line, 1 schedule each, 10,000 distributions each OR 1 Purchase order, 10,000 lines, 1 schedule each, 1 distribution each
Currently, Oracle only allows the download of 500 Agreements headers at one time.
Document Type
Only support document type of Standard Blanket Purchase Agreements. E.g. Consignment is excluded
Supplier Communication Method
The download web service returns only the code, not its meaning, so the integrator will only display the code.
Price Break Type
The download web service provides only the code itself, so the integrator will display only the code. This issue will be resolved when Oracle fixes it.
The download web service does not return priority information. We are unable to download the priority to the sheet. This issue will be resolved when Oracle fixes it.
Change Order Details
The Change Order Details (Description, Status, Line change reason) are not currently available in the download web service. As a result, the integrator will not display these details when downloading. This issue is with Oracle to resolve.
Due to performance implications of Oracle’s Web Service, More4apps recommends uploading no more than 500 lines per agreement.
The Web Service also has a limitation for downloading records. More4apps recommends only downloading records with 1000 lines or less.
These limits may improve over time as Oracle enhances these gateways.
Attachments are not supported by the web service. They will be available when Oracle enhances it.
Line Start Date (25A)
While the line start date field exists within the template, its visibility within the user interface is conditional: it requires the instance to be running version 25a or a more recent version, and the field must be specifically opted into.