ERP Cloud Product Definition Module User Guide


Create an Item Structure

Please become familiar with the current Integrator Limitations relating to creating structures. These will be resolved over time as Oracle improves the underlying web services and we add additional functionality to this product.
To create an Item Structure, the Structure Upload Action column value must be “Create”
If other sections such as Component, Substitute etc are to be included in the upload, these sections will also need the “Create” value in their respective action columns. If not, they can be left blank and no action will be taken in those sections, even if they contain other data.
Create an Item Structure without Child Sections:
Create an Item Structure with two Components:
Create an Item Structure with a Component, Substitutes and Reference Designators:
Note - Child sections are dependent on the parent data above them.
Create a Date Effective Component for an existing Item Structure:
To create a Date Effective Component, the ‘Component Upload Action’ column and ‘Component Item Number’ fields are required. All other fields are optional. If needed, a future ‘Start Date’ can be entered when creating the component, if not, the start date will be defaulted by Oracle on upload.
Create Unit Effective Components for an existing Item Structure:
To create a Unit Effective Component the ‘Component Upload Action’ column, ‘Component Item Number’ and ‘From Unit Number’ fields are required. All other fields can be left blank, Oracle will default them.
Create a Substitute and a Reference Designator for a pre-existing Item Structure and Component:
In the above example a substitute component and a reference designator are being created on an existing structure component.
The ‘Structure Upload Action’ and ‘Component Upload Action’ columns can be left blank.
      To create the substitute component the ‘Substitute Component Upload Action’ column and ‘Substitute Component’ fields are required.
      To create the reference designator the ‘Reference Designator Upload Action’ column and ‘Reference Designator’ fields are required.