ERP Cloud Product Definition Module User Guide


Copy From Item Creation

Items can be created by copying the details from an existing item.
Creating items using the copy function is driven by the ‘Copy From Item’ column in the Header section and fields in the ‘Copy Details’ section.
When creating a new Item using the Copy From functionality, you must first specify an existing Item in the ‘Copy From Item’ column. Then, use the ‘Copy Details’ section to specify what details you wish to include in the copy process.
The ‘Copy Details’ section includes the following ‘Yes/No’ columns:
       Organization Assignments.
       Supplier Organizations.
       Item and then Apply Templates – This copies the attributes from the ‘Copy From Item’ field first and then applies the Template values.
A blank value (null) works the same as a 'No' value.
The table below shows what fields will be copied when ‘Yes’ is specified in any of the above columns.
Organization Assignments
Supplier Organizations
Supplier Name
Organization Name
Registry ID
Controlled At
Item Status
Address Name
Primary Unit of Measure
Last Updated By
Category Code
Tracking Unit of Measure
Last Update Date
Organization Name
File Size
Start Date
Secondary Unit of Measure
End date
Defaulting Control
Positive Deviation Factor
Supplier Item
Negative Deviation Factor
Approval Status
The precedence of how the data is copied is as follows:
When the ‘Copy From Item’ column has a value, the upload will copy all the attributes of the given ‘Copy From Item’ value.
Any attributes column values that are in the sheet on upload will overwrite any of the ‘Copy From Item‘ value(s) of those fields.
Below are examples of how the Copy Functionality works:
Note, that other sections of the sheet will also be populated where data exists. For simplicity, the other sections have been omitted from these examples.
Creating an Item with ‘Copy From Item’:
From the above scenario “CS1000” will be created with all the item attributes of “AS2001. Values placed in the ‘Item Description’ and ‘Primary UOM’ fields will overwrite the respective values from “AS2001”.
Creating an Item with ‘Copy From Item’ and ‘Organization Assignments’:
From the above scenario “CS1001” will be created with all the item attributes of “AS2001 and if ‘Organization Association’ is “Yes” it will create items in all the same child Organizations as ‘AS2001’. The value in the ‘Item Description’ field will overwrite the respective “AS2001” value.
Creating an Item with ‘Copy From Item’ and ‘Supplier Organizations’:
From the above scenario “CS1002” will be created with all the item attributes of “AS2001 including all the Supplier Organizations of the ‘AS2001’ item when ‘Supplier Organization’ is “Yes”. The value placed in the ‘Item Description’ field will overwrite the ‘Copy From Item’ value.
Creating an Item with ‘Copy From Item’ and ‘Attachments’:
From the above scenario “CS1003” will be created with all the item attributes of “AS2001 including all the attachments of the ‘AS2001’ item when ‘Attachments’ is “Yes”. The value in the ‘Item Description’ field will overwrite the ‘Copy From Item’ value.
Creating an Item with ‘Copy From Item’ and ‘Categories’:
From the above scenario “CS1004” will be created with all the item attributes of “AS2001 including all the categories of the ‘AS2001’ item when ‘Categories’ is “Yes”. The value in the ‘Item Description’ field will overwrite the ‘Copy From Item’ value.
Creating an Item with ‘Copy From Item’ and ‘Item and then Apply Templates’:
From the above scenario “CS1005” will be created with all the item attributes of “AS2001 including the “Automotive” templates when ‘Item and then Apply Templates’ is “Yes”. The value in the ‘Item Description’ field will overwrite the ‘Copy From Item’ value. When Template value is not provided then it will apply ‘AS2001’ Item class default template.
Creating an Item with ‘Copy Details’ Section:
From the above scenario “CS1006” will be created with all the item attributes of “AS2001”. It will also create items in all the same child organizations as ‘AS2001’ has. It will also apply all the supplier associations, and categories of ‘AS2001’, It will not apply any attachments or template.
Note: Copy Categories only copy values from master categories to the child categories when you have ‘Organizations Assignment’ and ‘Categories’ set to ‘Yes’ and the item has child organization.
Creating an Item with ‘Copy Details’, ‘Inventory’ and ‘Purchasing’ Sections:
From the above scenario “CS1007” will be created with all the item attributes of “AS2001”. As ‘Item and then Apply Template’ is “Yes” it will overwrite the attributes with the ‘BB Template’ values. “No lot control” in the Inventory section and “No” in the Purchased field in the Purchasing Section will overwrite the ‘Copy From Item’ and Template values.
Once all item information is entered, the upload process can be initiated. For details on uploading refer to the Upload section of the Add-in documentation.
Successful uploads will return “Accepted” statuses and return item information from the web service.
Rejected uploads will return feedback from the web service. More information on how to reprocess these records is here.