ERP Cloud Module and Add-in Installation Guide


Updating Existing BI Reports

To ensure a clean and correct update of existing BI reports, we recommend completely removing both your existing ‘Module’ and ‘Common’ BI report folders and importing the new ones. You do not need to delete the ‘More4apps’ folder.
Follow the steps below to carry out this process:
1.      Navigate to the More4apps folder within BI Publisher.
2.      Select the BI Report folder that you are removing (Common or the Module folder).
3.      From the bottom left-hand pane, click ‘Delete’ to delete the selected report folder.
You may be prompted with a “Are you sure you want to delete?” message from your browser. If so, click ‘OK’
4.      From the bottom left-hand pane again, with the ‘More4apps’ folder selected click ‘Upload’ and import the new BI Report(s) as per the previous BI Report Installation steps.