ERP Cloud Module and Add-in Installation Guide

Store Multiple Connections

Multiple Aliases and URLs can be stored on the device for future selection during the login process. Click the Instances button on the Login form to open the Instance URL Setup form:
1.    Alias - This is free text and can contain characters and numbers to help identify the ERP Cloud instance.
2.    Instance URL - Enter the URL of the ERP Cloud instance.  Refer to the steps below:
a.      Log in to your ERP Cloud Instance through your browser.
b.      Navigate to the browser URL address bar on the ERP Cloud home page:
c.      Copy the URL from the address bar.
Important:  Ensure the URL specified does not include ‘login’.  For example: The URL on the login page is not the final address. It must be copied from the home page after successful login.
d.      Paste the URL into the Instance URL field in the Instance URL Setup form.
e.      Click Add.
3.    Repeat steps 1-2 above to store multiple instance connections.
4.    When finished click Ok.