The upload needs a header per line. A header record can be Bank information only, or Bank and Branch information. Branches cannot be created without Bank information.
Fields marked with a yellow background are mandatory fields. For each record uploading through the loader mandatory fields are required to fill in the values.
Greyed-out fields are read only. Those fields contain supplementary details for the user information purpose. These values do not upload during the uploading process.
Country Code - This country code is defaulted from the location associated with the organisation, which is attached to the responsibility chosen on login.
Existing Bank - This field uses a validated LOV. It will show the unique combination of Bank Name and Bank Number for the country selected. Once a value is selected here the related fields “Existing Bank Name”, “Existing Bank Number” and “Bank ID” will be populated.
Existing Bank Name - This is a read only field and will be populated either from the download query or from selecting a value from Existing Bank. It can be used as a field for download criteria.
Existing Bank Number - This is a read only field and will be populated either from the download query or from selecting a value from Existing Bank. It can be used as a field for download criteria.
Bank ID - This field is populated during the download and when selecting a bank from the Existing Bank list of values. It is used for upload purposes and should not be altered.
New Bank Name - A free text field. The loader does not recognise duplicates, it will just upload them. This can be used during creation of a new bank or to alter the name of the existing bank.
New Bank Number - A free text field. The loader does not recognise duplicates, it will just upload them. This can be used during creation of a new bank or to alter the number of the existing bank.
Alternate Bank Name - A free text field. The loader does not recognise duplicates, it will just upload them.
Short Bank Name - A free text field. The loader does not recognise duplicates, it will just upload them.
Bank Description - A free text field. The loader does not recognise duplicates, it will just upload them.
Bank Inactive Date - Using the calendar icon you can choose an effective end date. This does not delete the record.
Existing Branch - This field uses a validated LOV. It will show the unique combination of Branch Name and Branch Number for the country selected. Once a value is selected here the related fields “Existing Branch Name”, “Existing Branch Number” and “Branch ID” will be populated.
Existing Branch Name - This is a read only field and will be populated either from the download query or from selecting a value from Existing Branch. It can be used as a field for download criteria.
Existing Branch Number - This is a read only field and will be populated either from the download query or from selecting a value from Existing Branch. It can be used as a field for download criteria.
Branch ID - This field is populated during the download and when selecting a bank from the Existing Branch list of values. It is used for upload purposes and should not be altered.
New Branch Name - A free text field. The loader does not recognise duplicates, it will just upload them. This can be used during creation of a new branch or to alter the name of the existing branch.
New Branch Number - A free text field. The loader does not recognise duplicates, it will just upload them. This can be used during creation of a new branch or to alter the number of the existing branch.
Branch Type - This is a mandatory field when creating or updating a branch. This is a value using a validated LOV.
Branch BIC - This is a code entered as free text. While it is not picked from a validated list, there is validation on the code entered as there are rules to the length of these codes. The user will be alerted to the fact they have entered an invalid code e.g. “The number of characters entered must be either 8 or 11. Please enter a valid BIC Code.”
Alternate Branch Name - A free text field. The loader does not recognise duplicates, it will just upload them.
EFT Number - A free text field. The loader does not recognise duplicates, it will just upload them.
Branch Description - A free text field. The loader does not recognise duplicates, it will just upload them.
Branch Inactive Date - Using the calendar icon you can choose an effective end date. This does not delete the record. Note - End dating a branch also end dates any associated accounts with that branch. Please move the accounts to a new branch first to avoid this.