Installation and Configuration Guide - Loaders


Remove Responsibilities

If a specific Responsibility is deemed to no longer require access to the specific Download Query, then that Responsibility must be removed from the list of assigned Responsibilities.
To remove an existing assigned Responsibility from the Download Query, follow steps 1. to 3. of the ‘Assign Responsibilities’ section above: you should now be on the “Responsibilities” tab of the ‘Manage Query Sets’ window with the assigned Responsibilities displayed in the right-hand pane of the form.
1.    Select one or more assigned Responsibilities which need to be removed from the Download Query by holding down ctrl key + left mouse clicks and then click on the “Remove” button below the pane.
2.    Once all the necessary Responsibilities are removed from the assigned Responsibilities pane, click on the “Apply” button to save changes.
A processing dialog will appear with the message “Changes Applied”. Click “Close”.
3.    The “Manage Query Sets” form will show the updated Responsibilities list with the remaining Responsibilities assigned to the Download Query. Now click the “Close” button at the bottom to finish the process.